Actions denote a person’s heart

I think, I can confirm, chop and ship away my conclusion. These people are awful and don’t deserve to be in this world. Worse, there are people who even support them, or trying to be extremely PC. Ya, right. Ok. The Japanese owner was right. Why on earth must he be PC when it’s his and he has his say?

Haters will be haters. But despite many glances and many observations, there isn’t any much of a saving grace for these. What’s worse, is they did it intentionally. Are their brains wired to intentionally cause harm to mankind? Seems so. I think they aren’t humans in the first place. Thus, they should return to their dwelling place. Can’t integrate, scheming, loud and brash, screaming for I-Me-Myself, self-entitlement pricks.

Used to know some good ones 20 odd years ago. Unfortunately, it seems the subsequent ones have reverted back to barbaric acts, and have not advanced in their mindsets. Oh well, they are not humans, so what mind are we even talking about? And many have infiltrated into the heartlands…Gen1, Gen2, Gen3 and so forth. It didn’t help the fact that there are no-brainer who would support them – thinking that they are Angels or trying to be PC.

Is it so tough to speak the truth? Is it so difficult to immediately see the light? I couldn’t believe that we paid so much just to have people who don’t have the balls to make the right decision. I would think, the guy who is tough towards incumbent is right in undertaking non-PC steps just to protect his kind. We don’t need lip service or lies. Truth be told, non-PC steps have to be taken. There will be haters, but likewise there will be supporters.

Because I can see, I can think, it hurts so badly that things turn out in this way. No one wants to hear the truth. No one wants to act upon the truth.

Mankind is selfish? Let’s see.

I still cherish the hope that those selfish trash we see are not human, and thus we cannot say mankind is selfish.

Castle in time

Am I a fan of castles? Maybe I am. Been to the various castles in England, Scotland, Japan, China and South Korea. The castles that resonated with my heart were in Scotland and South Korea. Don’t ask me why, I just love them deeply. Always fascinated. Whereas those in Japan, I read about their stories…and appreciated their history. Himeji is the prettiest castle I have seen in Japan thus far…the one above is not Himeji, but a castle that served the feudal lords of her time…

I love the gardens as well. Wish that I can see more of Spring. A friend commented, that I could visit all parts of Japan! Could I? I am rather saddened at the thought of me unable to visit the places I wanted to see…I work, and I don’t have that luxury of time to remain in Japan for leisure. Even if I have my own company, I wouldn’t be able to afford the time to just travel…for leisure. You see, time is indeed precious! Nothing can replace it. For me, it’s rather clear cut for now, either Japan or S. Korea for my trips. And each time, it’s not an easy decision. It’s easy to get around in both countries. And both countries have their attractive features, I want to see in this lifetime!

I am not a wanderlust. I only go to places for the sights I want to see. And feel. It’s that feeling of peace that revigorates me. And the feeling of familiarity that brings me comfort. I don’t know why and how. But those were the feelings I got…

Was it a coincidence?

Was I selfish?

If I hadn’t taken the chance, would I have the opportunity to see the sights I wanted?

If I made sacrifices, would I be happy? Some people are ok with sacrificing a huge part of themselves, but then end up feeling lost and upset when their sacrifices aren’t reciprocated in the way they wanted…I just don’t want to be them. I would be cheating myself if I said I didn’t harbour any expectations from my sacrifices. Because I know that I do harbour expectations, I decided that the best way is to not put up too much sacrifices. I need to find a win-win situation…and if I couldn’t, I have to think of myself…

I really wish we have 48 hours!

It’s hard. To see my loved ones aging. I wish I can put a stop to time. But yet without aging, this world cannot move. Sigh. Dilemma. How to have the best of both worlds?

I am thankful. After all, I hadn’t given myself much thought earlier on. Perhaps the current arrangement is good enough…for me to really feel and love.